Big Bad Overlord

Big Bad Ideas, LLC was founded by Danny DeCillis in 2017. Its first game was Big Bad Overlord, which Danny originally developed in 1987; it was updated and redesigned, and finally released in 2019 after a successful fundraising campaign on Kickstarter. The second BBI game, WizBang!, was published in 2021. Other games include Harf, scheduled for release in mid 2024, and Dire Dinner, scheduled for release later in 2024. We also make a variety of other thematically related merchandise, such as our line of Stabby Pretty Things pins (available in our shop and at the Black Oak Workshop and other vendors).

Big Bad Ideas is a proud member of the Indie Game Alliance and our products are available at the IGA booth at conventions around the country, including Origins and GenCon, and at the AFMG Cafe in the Chicago area as well. We often have our own booth at smaller regional conventions such as CincyCon and Buckeye Gamefest.

If you are a distributor or store owner and are interested in carrying Big Bad Ideas games and/or merchandise, especially if you're located in the Midwest, please contact us.